"I cannot tell anyone,

So I tell everyone”

wrote Frigyes Karinthy, the famous Hungarian poet and author. I deeply empathize with this beautifully articulated truth.

I started this page to share experiences, insights, and truths that are just like the proverbial elephant in the room.

Since my childhood, I've been deeply aware of what was happening around me and within me, but I was never able to or allowed to tell anyone. How could a six-year-old child question her teacher's wickedness, or the neighbor who claims to love his wife and is kind to everyone, yet clearly harbors hatred towards everyone and everything? How do you tell adults that the neighbor’s wife is unfaithful, or that the mother who seemingly adores her children actually dreams of escaping them?

As a child, one is forced to pretend to believe and accept what others claim to feel or intend, even when all senses contradict those claims. Then later one learns it’s better, because it’s polite, because it’s tactful, because it’s more acceptable, because it causes less conflict, to remain silent. And so, you observe, turning your attention inward to analyze yourself, then your relationships. You filter, learn, read, experience, navigate into dead ends, correct course, fall into abysses, climb back up, stumble, stand, and do all this while trying to remain silent and adhere to the established rules. Life’s strange twist is that in this lonely silence, development accelerates, as one can dive deep within and discover valuable insights, much like pearl divers emerging with pearls from the depths.

Then comes the moment when you feel that you understand enough to help others. You share your comprehension and experiences with a small, carefully selected group of open-minded individuals. They listen, they understand, and the circle grows.

After years of dedicated work as a family constellation therapist, and after assisting hundreds—perhaps even more than a thousand—people in better understanding themselves and solving problems related to relationships, family, health, finances, infertility, and many other issues, I decided it was time to write down and summarize my experiences so they might serve others well.

"I cannot tell anyone,

So I tell everyone”

So, with those who join me, we will discuss the elephants that stand in the subconscious living room of us all, those that occasionally, with an awkward movement, shatter the porcelain set. Those who wish to learn how to safely guide these elephants out of the living room, come with me! I promise to write honestly about all that I have learned and experienced, offering useful methods that can effectively tame the rampaging beasts.

In Eszter’s Weekly Elephant you will find insights offering a radically different perspective on human relationships, pointing to the often denied, concealed, hidden truths. This can be shocking, sometimes even painful, but without confronting the truth, we can never make amends, right? Just as a mechanic cannot repair a car without diagnosing the problem.

I hope many of you will join me on this adventure! I must confess, I am quite nervous now that I am telling everyone what I could not tell anyone for so many years. Writing from the heart is never easy, but opening up and sharing those scribbles is an even more daunting task with which I myself have grappled for years.☺️

Here is my call to action for those who are ready to face uncomfortable truths for the sake of personal and collective growth.

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To gain access to the paywalled content and receive my email address, where you can ask personal questions and receive personalized answers to those you might not wish to ask publicly.

Over the years, I have helped hundreds of people with their self-acceptance, relationships, health, financial matters, careers, infertility, weight, and other issues. If you wish to receive a personalized answer from me and gain a new perspective to solve your problem, become a paid subscriber and write to me directly via email. I am happy to help!

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Why is Eszter’s Weekly Elephant different?

Because it offers a comprehensive approach to the many problems we humans face.

The articles

provide deep yet very clear insights about ourselves from a perspective that is rarely discussed, taking into consideration the belief systems of our family of origin, our childhood traumas, and our experiences.

The engaging and emotionally resonant short stories 

help unearth our deeply buried emotions, allowing them to surface so we can feel and release them for good.

The short story guides

offer explanations and additional insights about the situations depicted in the short stories, along with questions that help us better understand what is hidden in our subconscious related to that particular topic.

The essays

give you a personal take on the matters discussed in the other writings, enabling a deeper understanding of how I view and approach them based on what I have learned and written about.

The writings on Eszter’s Weekly Elephant create a comprehensive system

If you are willing to engage with it regularly and put in some effort, you will learn a whole new way of thinking about yourself, your life, and relationships. Through this, you will gain much more efficient problem-solving methods.

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Subscribe to Eszter’s Weekly Elephant

Let’s talk about the elephant in our subconscious living room; lingering emotions, buried secrets and deeply ingrained beliefs. Join us, gain a new perspective on the human psyche, get practical methods for guiding out the elephant and saving the china.


Author of 8 novels, numerous short stories, essays, and articles, sharing my perspective on the human psyche for a better understanding of emotions and human relationships.